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Are you as excited as we are about great Catholic books?
DNS Publications - the independent publishing house of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary - is just beginning an exciting new journey. For thirteen years, DNS Publications has been bringing you faithful Catholic works uniquely focused on the Dominican Order, its charism, and its saints. In 2024, we decided that it was time to grow our little endeavor, and cater to a wider set of readers. So, remaining true to our Dominican identity, we looked to the Order for inspiration and took one of its mottos for our guide:
To praise. To bless. To preach.
In 2025, DNS Publications will be seeking to publish works - both fiction and nonfiction - that further this mission in the world, for the praise of God, the blessing of the faithful, and the preaching of the Gospel. If you’d like to join us on this new adventure, why not sign up for our new DNS Publications Newsletter and receive this free E-Book of our best-selling ‘The Spirit of Saint Dominic’ by Fr. Fabio Giardini, OP?
Finally, have you ever wondered what contemplative nuns think about all day? Have you ever wondered what they read?
In addition to all of the above, we’ve just started a brand new blog over at the new DNS Publications website called ‘The Nuns’ Nook’, which will hopefully answer both of these questions! The Nuns’ Nook will feature book reviews from the nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary - offering a contemplative perspective on the current revitalization in Catholic literature - as well as other reflections on all things literary, including the intersection between literature, prayer and the spiritual life.
We would love to welcome you to our community.
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book reviews, contemplative literary reflections,
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