Here is Allan, one of the new bunnies hoping around the enclosure. So cute, right? Well, let it be known that he ate ALL the New Zealand spinach in the novitiate garden! Sr. Mary Catharine spent an afternoon weeding it so that he could find the spinach more easily without the weeds!
An older bunny has also made his/her home in the garden but sticks to the weeds in the strawberry patch.
This little guy (or is he a she?) was named Allan after our retreat master, Fr. Allan White, OP, provincial of the English Province. It's our custom to name the new bunnies after Dominican saints and sinners.
St. Dominic's garden is blooming with liatrus and hydrangeas.
Everyone wants to know how our postulants are doing?
They are doing just great and have settled in to life in the novitiate! Everyday is a new experience and a new adventure. Sr. Deepa is learning how to sew a habit (and yearning for the day when she receives hers!) while Sr. Giang has been sewing a much needed set of dinner napkins. Both postulants have duties in the kitchen and laundry.
However, the highlight so far as been learning the duties of versicularian! Last night was the "maiden" voyage of leading the community in the Salve Procession and today they begin singing the verse after the Scripture reading at the "little hours" of the Office. Are they nervous? You bet! Assurances that WE all were nervous and not only survived but got to enjoy this privilege of taking a part in the Divine Office doesn't take away the anxiety, though!
Most of all, the novitiate is looking forward to the entrance of another postulant on August 22nd!