New Divine Office Hymnals

Update: All of the needed hymnals have been donated. Thank you so much!

Can you help us purchase new Divine Office hymnals? The USCCB has just published a new hymnal for the Divine Office (fittingly titled The Divine Office Hymnal). This is the first part to be finished and published of a massive project to re-translate the entire Divine Office. The hymnal contains English translations of the proper Latin typical hymns for the given day or hour, which had unfortunately often been omitted in the previous edition of the English text of the Liturgy of the Hours. You can read more about the hymnal and the great efforts which went into its translation in this article from Adoremus:

While we expect that the new translation of the Liturgy of the Hours itself (still forthcoming) and this newly published hymnal will be excellent and valuable resources, the expense of purchasing new books for every sister is substantial.

We would like to invite you to participate in this project to provide new liturgical resources to the Sisters. You can donate a hymnal in memory of a loved one, or in honor of your family or someone special to you. The name you provide will be inscribed in the hymnal, and the Sister who uses it can remember the name in her prayers.

The cost of each hymnal is $30 including shipping expenses. We are in need of 30 hymnals, and would be most grateful if you could assist us in providing these to our community. You can do so using the form below, or by clicking this link to open the form in its own webpage. Thank you and may God bless and reward you!


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